

Explore the development of lighthouse technology, navigational aids
and those who helped shape lighthouse history

The history of lighthouse technology parallels the expansion of commerce in the United States as well as around the world.  These pages focus on the development of optics and fog signals, aids to navigation, including buoys and daymarks, and ever changing technological advances in marine safety.  The importance of lightships in marking dangerous shoals and the role lighthouse tenders played in supplying hundreds of lighthouses is also presented.  If you want to know where all of the Fresnel lenses in the U.S. are located, you can utilize the database of all classical operational and non operational lenses .  Finally, a gallery of Lighthouse Board Members, builders and inventors provides some basic information about the men and women who shaped the history of lighthouse. 

Other Historical Information


"Light Hearted" - A Lighthouse History Podcast!

light-hearted podcast

Check out our new Light house history podcast, 'Light Hearted", created by Jeremy D'Entremont.  With 140 episodes and counting, rave reviews and a growing group of listeners, there is something for all lighthouse enthusiasts here! 

Visit the Podcast